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Sunday, 10 February 2013

My View - Learning Styles...

My View - Learning styles

Traditional teaching approaches actually cater to very few learners. This is why school has been riddled with negative associations of bored children, an ongoing battle to concentrate, frustrated teachers, detention, medication, and an unending list which seems to describe a nightmarish scene.
I, as a learner in school, was constantly reprimanded for doodling, fiddling with my stationary and jotting down notes at “inappropriate times” when I was “meant to be listening”. This was because I am a tactile, kinaesthetic learner, meaning I learn best by doing, so writing, doodling and physical actions reinforced my learning experiences. However, this learning style did not fall into the category of average demographics, thus I was forced to merely adopt an auditory/visual learning style. This resulted in me becoming a restless and tired learner, who found it extremely challenging to concentrate for any extended period of time. For this reason, school was often a very unpleasant experience for me.

This shouldn't be so. Why should a child be reprimanded merely because their learning style isn't considered “normal”? We can’t control all facets of our life, and should be encouraged to nurture what we are given, rather than reprimanded for who we are.

Thus, it is the duty of a teacher to support their learners in their endeavors to reach their maximum potential, and the greatest way to do this is to cater to their needs, not our own. It is easy to adopt one teaching style and thrust everyone into your mould, but it is not ideal and teachers don’t (shouldn't) adopt this profession because it is easy.

Nowadays, a lot of learners are diagnosed with learning disabilities, such as ADHD, because they do not perform to a suitable standard in the classroom. But too many times, this can be attributed to a lack of response to your teaching style, which may not be in cohesion with their learning style. 

Learn about your learners, figure out their preferred modes of learning, and make an effort to cater to them, this could prevent false diagnoses and unnecessary consumption of powerful medications.

Before admonishing your learners for doodling during lessons, or fiddling with stationary when being addressed, consider their motives and adopt an atmosphere of understanding and support. Guaranteed you will begin to see improvement in both their work as well as their attitude toward school. And so often a good attitude means good discipline. A mutual win.

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